Watch Straps
International Time Products, Inc. offers a high quality, comprehensive line of leathers and genuine skins in a full range of sizes, lengths, colors and executions; basic, sport, dress and fashion models. We supply cowhide leathers in full and top grain leather, premium leathers, and CITES certified exotic skin watchstraps. We also offer many different colors and styles of silicone sport bands.
Agricultural biotechnology, also known as agritech, is an area of agricultural science involving the use of scientific tools and techniques, including genetic engineering, molecular markers, molecular diagnostics, vaccines, and tissue culture, to modify living organisms: plants, animals, and microorganisms.
Agricultural soil science is a branch of soil science that deals with the study of edaphic conditions as they relate to the production of food and fiber. In this context, it is also a constituent of the field of agronomy and is thus also described as soil agronomy.
Agricultural chemistry is the study of both chemistry and biochemistry which are important in agricultural production, the processing of raw products into foods and beverages, and in environmental monitoring and remediation. These studies emphasize the relationships between plants, animals and bacteria and their environment.